A Manual for Organisations Awarding Contracts for Guarding Services
Whether or not we are immediately aware of it, guarding services are becoming more and more a part of everyday life. Security functions, which were previously carried out directly by public authorities are today often contracted out.
As a result, private security companies are becoming increasingly involved in ensuring public safety. This also includes the guarding of highly sensitive sites such as airports or nuclear power stations. However, private organizations from banks to retailers, via transport services to event organizers or other organizations remain still the bulk of clients for private security service providers.
Whether public or private, buyers find themselves in the position to select security service providers for their contracts. Identifying the best private security service provider depends on many aspects relating to the type of services required, the experience in buying private security services and the financial means of the buyer.
The selection of a private security service provider should always represent the best balance between quality and price. This manual intent to help buyers finding this balance.

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Helping you define your needs
This manual explains how to structure the procurement process of private security services and aims at guiding buyers through quality criteria to consider when selecting a provider of private security services. These quality criteria should allow buyers to issue clear and detailed specifications of their requirements to prospective bidders, thus generating a higher quality response.
An updated manual – A new scope
This manual is the second edition to the successful first iteration Selecting best value – A manual for organisations awarding contracts for private guarding services, published in 1999. Whilst the first manual focuses exclusively on the procurement by public authorities, the new manual also covers private buyers of security services. The basic difference between private and public buyers is the legal framework. Public buyers need to comply with a number of procurement legislation. The new manual covers for public buyers based within the European Union or in accession countries the modernized public procurement directive, updated in 2014. Other national or regional procurement law may also apply.
Whilst private buyers and authorities outside the EU may enjoy greater freedom in their procurement of private security services, this manual generally recommends to follow the same principles. Both manuals have been co-funded by the European Commission.
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