About CoESS
Its aims are:
- To defend the interests of European member employers;
- To contribute to harmonising national legislation;
- To implement economic, commercial, legal and social studies;
- To collect and distribute information concerning these objectives.
Contact Us
Rue Jan Bogemans 249
1780 Brussels Belgium
T +32 2 462 07 73
F +32 2 460 14 31
E-mail: chantal@coess.eu
Web: www.coess.eu
V.S.Ö. – Verband der Sicherheitsunternehmen Österreichs
Porzellangasse 37/17, 1090 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 319 41 32
F: +43 1 319 90 44
E-mail: office@vsoe.at
Web: www.vsoe.at
APEG-BVBO – Association Professionnelle des Entreprises de Gardiennage Beroepsvereniging van Bewakingsondernemingen
Jan Bogemansstraat | Rue Jan Bogemans 249, 1780 Wemmel, Belgium
T: +32 2 462 07 73
F: +32 2 460 14 31
E-mail: apeg-bvbo@i-b-s.be
Web: www.apeg-bvbo.be
NAFTSO – National Association of Industrial Security Companies
K-s Gotse Delchev, bl. 53E, B/8, 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria
T/F: +359 2 952 56 14
E-mail: office@naftso.org
Web: www.naftso.org
CSA – Croatian Security Association
Sarajevska 29, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
T: +385 1 37 07 150
F: +385 1 37 72 824
E-mail: hcz@hcz.hr
Web: www.hcz.hr
Danish Guarding and Security Association (DI Service) (Vagt- og SikkerhedsIndustrien)
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18, 1787 Copenhagen V, Denmark
T: +45 33 77 33 77
F: +45 33 77 33 00
E-mail: aukr@di.dk
Web: www.service.di.dk
ESA – Estonian Security Association
Tööstuse 48, 10416 Tallinn, Estonia
T: +372 6 611 057
E-mail: etel@security.ee
Web: www.security.ee
ASSI – Association of Support Services Industries
Service Sector Employers PALTA
Eteläranta 10 – PO Box 62, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
T: +358 9 1 728 42 43
F: +358 9 1 768 77
E-mail: jarmo.mikkonen@
E-mail: kaisa.eloranta@
SNES – Syndicat National des Entreprises de Sécurité
Rue Aristide Briand 47, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France
T: +33 1 41 34 36 52
F: +33 1 41 34 36 53
E-mail: contact@e-snes.org
Web: www.e-snes.org
USP – Union des entreprises de Sécurité Privée
24, rue Firmin Gillot, 75015 Paris, France
T: +33 1 53 58 08 17
F: +33 1 53 58 08 18
Web: www.securite-privee.org
BDSW – Bundesverband der Sicherheitswirtschaft e.V.
Norsk-Data-Straße 3, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany
Postfach 1211, 61282 Bad Homburg, Germany
T: +49 61 72 94 80 50
F: +49 61 72 45 85 80
E-mail: mail@bdsw.de
Web: www.bdsw.de
The Security Institute
Unit W6D, Ladytown Business Park, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland
T: +353 045 409 222
T: +353 045 409 296
F: +353 045 409 354
E-mail: admin@sii.ie
Web: www.sii.ie
FederSicurezza – Federazione del Settore della Vigilanza e Sicurezza Privata
Via Salandra 6 – A, 5° piano – N° 32, 00187 Roma, Italia
T: +39 06 58 66 260
F: +39 06 58 12 750
E-mail: federsicurezza
Web: www.federsicurezza.it
Fedil Security Services
Rue Alcide de Gasperi 7, 1615 Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
T: +352 43 53 66-1
F: +352 43 23 28
E-mail: marc.kieffer@fedil.lu
E-mail: fedil@fedil.lu
Web: www.fedil.lu
Chamber of the Republic of Macedonia of Security of People and Property
Ul. Orce Nikolov br. 20, 1/4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
T: +389 2 3225 000
F: +389 2 3298 073
E-mail: sanjak@obezbeduvanje.org.mk
Web: www.obezbeduvanje.org.mk
NV – Nederlandse Veiligheidsbranche
Stephensonweg 14, 4207 HB Gorinchem, The Netherlands
Postbus 693, 4200 AR Gorinchem, The Netherlands
T +31 183 64 66 70
F +31 183 62 11 61
E-mail: info@veiligheidsbranche.nl
Web: www.veiligheidsbranche.nl
NHO Service
Middelthunsgate 27, PO BOS 5473 Majorstua, 0305 Oslo, Norway
T: +47 97 66 50 92
F: +47 22 96 11 39
E-mail: runar.karlsen@nhoservice.no
Web: www.nhoservice.no
AES – Portugal Private Security Association
Av. Álvares Cabral, 61 – 4°, 1250-017 Lisboa, Portugal
T: +351 21 391 10 40
F: +351 21 391 10 41
E-mail: b.pinto@abbc.pt
Web: http://www.aes-empresasdeseguranca.com/
RSIA – Romanian Security Industry Association
Bucureşti, District 3, 3rd Alba Iulia Square, 7th Floor, Flat 32, Bucharest, Romania
T: +40 744 308 790
F: +40 34 123 04 02
E-mail: office@arisonline.ro
Web: www.arisonline.ro
ZRSZV – Slovenian Chamber for Private Security
Dimičeva 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T +38 1 565 98 60
F +38 1 534 23 66
E-mail: zrszv@zrszv.si
Web: www.zrszv.si
APROSER – Asociación Profesional de Compañias Privadas de Servicios de Seguridad
Marqués de Urquijo 5, 2º A, 28008 Madrid, Spain
T: +34 91 454 00 00
F: +34 91 541 10 90
E-mail: aproser@aproser.es
Web: www.aproser.es
ALMEGA Private Security
Sturegatan 11, 102 04 Stockholm, Sweden
T: +46 8 762 69 00
F: +46 8 762 68
E-mail: richard.orgard@almega.se
Web: www.almega.se
ASSC (VSSU) – Association of Swiss Security Service Companies
Association des Entreprises suisses de Services de Sécurité
Kirchlindachstrasse 98, Postfach
3052 Zollikofen – Bern, Switzerland
T: +41 31 915 10 10
F: +41 31 915 10 11
E-mail: info@vssu.org
Web: www.vssu.org
GÜSOD – Güvenlik Servisleri Organizasyon Birligi Dernegi
Nispetiye Cad. Özden Sokak
N°: 13 Kat 1, 34337, Etiler-Istanbul
T: + 90 212 358 29 13
F: + 90 212 358 44 13
Email: bilgi@gusod.org.tr
Web: www.gusod.org.tr
BSIA – British Security Industry Association
Kirkham House
John Comyn Drive
WR3 7NS Worcester, United Kingdom
T +44 845 389 3889
F +44 845 389 0761/2
E-mail: info@bsia.co.uk
Web: www.bsia.co.uk